Saturday, November 20, 2010



Again I am looking at syncing tools.  Windows live beta has now gone and been replaced by Windows Live Sync.

It comes as part of the 2011 Essentials pack, only installable on Windows 7 though, so that makes for a bummer on my main home Win XP laptop.  Will still use the web folder for live mesh there.  25 gig of free space is not something to be sniffed at.

This is being written on the blogger tool as part of the live essentials, which at first glance looks pretty cool  Im currently on my little d430 ‘work’ laptop, with Windows 7 on it.

Also trying out a few tools to help sync my Google documents, Synchplicity and the office plugin. not installled yet.


WIll update this in a bit, but want to see if the blogger tool works…